Emperor Town Hall Level 9 Farming Base

Emperor farming base for Town Hall level 9 was adapted from proven strong anti air attack Town Hall level 8 war base, Kyoukai.

COC Journey - This base was made based on Kyoukai, a war base for Town Hall level 8 designed by macstinger in supercell forum on his thread. The original TH8 war base claim features of anti-dragons, anti-hogs and anti gowipe. Though by the time people find its way to three star the Kyoukai base.

I have been using this kyoukai base before I upgraded my Town Hall. And I managed to modify the original base to meet my needs on Town Hall level 9. I know that there is impossible to protect all of the four gold storage, four elixir and one dark elixir storage. This base help me to put all the storage on its own compartment which protected by long range archer towers and x-bow in the core.

This base serve me very well to collect gold and elixir so I can upgrade my cannons to the max. This base also help me on upgrading x-bow to level 2, maximizing my hidden Tesla tower and dark elixir drills. My mortars are already maxed when I start to use this base. I also use this base to maximizing my walls to skull and upgrade my dragon to level 4. I have never use this base higher that gold one league.

Worst lose of this base was an attack from Town Hall level 10 with 24 maxed giants, 40 level 6 barbarian, 32 maxed archers, 4 maxed witch and level 15 of both heroes. That is only happen once. Others highest attack was around 61% destroyed buildings which succeed to steal 2 gold storage and 2 elixir storage.

Dark elixir storage was not well protected by the base. Even the enemy often comes from the nearest side of the dark elixir storage, once my dark elixir reach around 80k. I don't bother since  I'm not really need it at the moment, only for war troops which is level 2 golem and level 2 witch as my favorite.

I am going to change the base when I need to collect more dark elixir. I found this base is serve me well to upgrading walls. And I am still using it at the moment.

What do you think? Do you mind to try this base?
Item Reviewed: Emperor Town Hall Level 9 Farming Base Description: Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Bambang Ardianto

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